Childhood Haunts

Childhood Haunts

Childhood Haunts revisits my childhood memories of growing up in Kent in a mainly built-up area, and how I came to love nature. Memory is a very important factor in this project; by revisiting the past, we can better understand ourselves and our connections to the areas where we grew up.

I recall having a happy childhood, and I believe the memories of being in nature helped to shape my future decisions and interests. This project explores my memories of visiting parks, particularly inspired by the recent passing of my Grandad. Growing up, I was often outdoors, whether wading through streams, trying to catch fish in a net, foraging in woods, or creating dens out of sticks and logs. These memories are cherished and recorded in photos throughout my childhood; they become even more precious as I get older.

Although based on personal memories, this project aims to evoke feelings of nostalgia and inspire viewers to cherish and revisit their own memories of nature.